Benefits of Cleaning Your Grout and Tile

Why do you clean your home? Do you want it to look presentable and good for you and guests? Do you want it to smell nice? Do you want it to be germ-free? Whatever the reason, cleaning your home is important. There’s a lot of areas in the home to clean: toilets, counter tops, floors, windows, tables, etc. etc.; however, there’s a part of the house that is often forgotten: grout.

Your grout lines need to be cleaned as often as your tiles or any other item in your home. Grout is like a sponge, so it absorbs anything that touches it. From spilled milk to cat urine, grout will absorb anything, which makes it a breeding ground for fungi and bacteria.

So besides looking pretty, the other main benefit of cleaning your grout and tile is your health. When your home is clean, you have less of a chance of being sick. If there are bacteria floating around, you’re likely to pick up the germs.

If you dropped a piece of food on the kitchen floor and ate it or touched the floor with your hand and then rubbed your eyes, you just spread a lot of potential germs to your body. You could get a bacterial or fungal infection if you haven’t properly cleaned the floor.

Whether it’s the floor or counter, your grout lines and tiles are flat, which means lots of things can land on them including dust. You may not see the dust, but it can make you have allergies if there is too much built up in your home. Dust build up on tile and grout can keep bacteria on surfaces. Dust also invites dust miles, which excrete allergens that can irritate you.

In wetter areas of your home, like the bathroom, grout and tile can harbor mold and mildew, which can cause your body to have an allergic reaction. When it comes to mold and mildew, you should turn a fan on, open a window, and doors to air the room out after a bath or shower. Try to dry the room out as often as you can in between cleanings. Make sure your house isn’t overly humid, as well.

To avoid health problems in your own home, clean your tile and grout regularly. Grout Shield’s Maintenance Cleaner cleans stains and dirt off tile and grout. This cleaner has a neutral pH, so it isn’t harsh on your tiles or grout. This cleaner will keep your tile and grout renewed-looking and clean. To prevent allergens, fungi, and bacteria from  lingering on your floors, use Grout Shield’s  grout sealer to protect your grout and tile.

Grout Shield’s products can help your tile and grout look like new again while eliminating the bad stuff that can cause you and your loved ones to get sick.

For more information on Grout Shield products, click our grout products page, or call toll free at 1-800-631-0716.

The post Benefits of Cleaning Your Grout and Tile appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.

Make Cleaning Your Grout Your New Year’s Resolution

After ringing in the new year, you’re probably ready to kick off the year with your New Year’s Resolution.  Do you have a resolution? Lose weight? Work harder? Be kinder? Spend more time with family? Use social media less? How about cleaning your grout?

Don’t wait till Spring Cleaning to get your grout clean. Get your house looking great the whole year by cleaning it now! The cleanliness of your grout can change the entire look of your room. It’s time to take charge now and have your grout and tile looking practically new.

Your kitchen and bathrooms see a lot of traffic on a daily basis. Not only do the grout lines encounter your shoes and feet, they can come in contact with dirt, mud, food, liquids, pet urine, hair, leaves, dust, debris, etc. Grout is porous, which means whenever it will easily absorb liquids and other things that touch it. For example, if you spill milk, the grout will absorb the milk. Over time, your grout will change color and even start to smell from everything it has absorbed.

There’s a lot of things in your home to clean. Floors, windows, countertops, mirrors, toilets, showers, etc., so we understand that cleaning grout lines may get overlooked. Don’t ignore them any longer. Because grout it porous, it can cling onto bacteria and other germs, making you susceptible to sicknesses in your own home.

Ready to clean your grout? Don’t just buy any household cleaner or vinegar or bleach. All these times won’t work well. In fact, many of them can actually ruin your grout lines. You want to use a grout cleaner that is pH balanced that is tough to clean stains and dirt but also is gentle on your grout.

Grout Shield’s Grout & Tile Deep Cleaner help lifts deep stains that have been sitting in your grout for a while. This is great to use especially if you haven’t cleaned your grout in a long time. To keep up your clean grouts throughout the year, Grout Shield’s Maintenance Cleaner will help you clean on a regular basis.

You will feel better starting off your new year with a clean, shiny home! Happy New Year!

For more information on Grout Shield products, click our grout cleaner page, or call toll free at 1-800-631-0716.

The post Make Cleaning Your Grout Your New Year’s Resolution appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.

How to Care for Your Grout and Tile This Winter

Winter is a harsh season as many states in the United Stated deal with frigid temperatures, ice, and snow. To protect ourselves from the elements, we wear heavy boots and clothing. Unfortunately, we, or guests in our homes, can drag a lot of unwanted things into our home like salt, mud, water, and snow. The salt, dirt, and water can easily seep into our grout lines and under our tiles, which can compromise or break them. The excess moisture can cause tile and grout to move, crack, or become dirty. And that’s just your inside tile! Outdoor tile and grout have to face the elements consistently.

It’s in your best interest to protect your grout and tile (inside and out) so you don’t have to spend a lot of money to replace a floor, path, or patio once the winter is over. The best way you can protect your grout lines and tile is to take care of them throughout the year. With the proper grout cleaner and sealer, your grout and tile will have a protected shield on them to keep liquids and other dirt from seeping through. A grout and tile sealer can help protect from excess moisture that causes cracks, breaks, and movement.

Some other preventative measures you can take are:

  • Wipe off/kick of snow from your shoes on a mat before entering the house. Ask your guests to do this, as well.
  • Keep your shoes, boots, socks, and outwear in one room only, so you’re only getting a smaller area wet.
  • Sweep, vacuum, and mop your floors regularly during the winter to pick up dirt, sand, and salt that gets dragged around the house.
  • Dry off your pet as soon as they get in the door.

To protect your tile and grout, you need a real grout sealer. Grout Shield offers a variety of sealers that can help keep water from seeping into the tile and grout lines.

Grout Shield Clear Sealer – This clear-colored sealer protects tile and grout from becoming stained, dirty, and discolored.

Grout Shield Color Sealer – This sealer revitalizes and restores color to the grout. This sealer colors and seals in one product. You can choose any color in the world! Changing the color of your grout can change the entire look of a room!

 Grout Shield Enhancer Seal – The enhancer seal is used for ceramic, slate, or Mexican tile floor to make the tiles look vibrant and new again.

Before you seal your grout, you want to clean it thoroughly with a grout cleaner. Grout Shield Grout & Tile Deep Cleaner and Grout Shield Maintenance Cleaner will help you get deep stains out. These are also great to use to clean your tile and grout throughout and after the winter to keep germs and dirt from spreading.

Looking to protect your tile and grout this winter? It’s never to late to start taking care of these things! Let our Grout Shield team help you choose a product that will best work for your space and tile type For more information on Grout Shield products, click our grout sealer page, or call toll free at 1-800-631-0716.


The post How to Care for Your Grout and Tile This Winter appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.