Become a Grout Shield Affiliate

Want to make extra money? Become a Grout Shield Affiliate! By promoting Grout Shield products and referring visitors to Grout Shield, you can 10% commission per order (excluding shipping).

It’s FREE to join the Grout Shield Affiliate Program. How do you start? Give us basic information about you and your company, so we can see if you’re the right fit for us!

Once you are in our program, we will train you and share helpful information to make sure you have all the tools you need to be successful.

How does the affiliate program work?  As an affiliate, you will be provided with a unique coupon tracking code that is tied to your account. You can share this with as many individuals as you like including placing it on your website.  This AD will instruct the user to use this coupon code at check out.  If someone purchase a Grout Shield product with your code, you’ll earn a commission for that sale.

Send people to our site and products from your site, email list, blog, social media, etc. You want to offer your clients something. You’re simply sharing information!

What are the benefits of being a Grout Shield Affiliate?

  1. It helps broaden your audience.
  2. Affiliates can boost your reputation.
  3. It’s cost effective.
  4. Affiliates can rapidly scale your traffic and sales.
  5. It’s a low-risk investment.
  6. It gives you another avenue of revenue.
  7. You aren’t producing a product to sell.
  8. You don’t have to handle customer service. We handle that!
  9. You don’t have to design a website or create sales copy for the product.
  10. You don’t have to handle the sales process.
  11. You don’t have to be an expert. Our team will answer questions about the grout products.
  12. You don’t have to deliver the products or deal with returns.

Join our Grout Shield Affiliate program today to grow your revenue with the leading Grout Shield Distributor in the country. You can grow your audience and create a new source of revenue by including Grout Shield’s products and content in your own emails, blog, social posts, and more.

For more information on Grout Shield’s grout products or to purchase Grout Shield products, click our grout products page, or call toll free at 1-800-631-0716.

The post Become a Grout Shield Affiliate appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.

How to Fix a Chipped Tile with Grout Shield’s Grout Products

Oh no, there’s a chip on a tile in the kitchen floor! What can you do? Don’t worry! You don’t necessarily have to re-tile the floor and spend a lot of money. Believe it or not, there’s a lot you can do with Grout Shield’s grout products.

As long as you just have a chip in the tile, you can color it to make it almost disappear. So, how do you fix this exactly? You use Grout Shield’s grout color seal, and choose a color that is closest to the color of your tile. Grout Shield offers 2-ounce bottles in any color that you like.

How do you fix the chip with the color seal? Take the color seal bottle and squeeze the product onto the chip. Then, take your finger and spread it back and forth inside the chip, which is how you fill in the chip. Then, take your Grout Shield chamois or towel and wipe off the excess. Then, apply more color seal to fill in the chip even more. The chip will begin to look less noticeably than it did before, especially if you choose a color that is an exact match. As the color seal dries, it will match the tile even more.

Watch the video below to see how you can fix and hide a chip with Grout Shield’s color seal:

Click the links to purchase our grout sealing, products.  For more information on Grout Shield’s grout products,  to purchase Grout Shield products, or for more questions on fixing a chip, click our grout products page, or call toll free at 1-800-631-0716.

The post How to Fix a Chipped Tile with Grout Shield’s Grout Products appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.

Keep Your Office Building Brand New with Grout Shield

Office buildings house a lot of people. Whether it’s the lobby, break room, conference room or bathroom, there’s a lot of traffic during office hours. Worker and clients can easily drag in dirt and debris, which can build up over time and make your floors and grout lines look dirty and dull.

If your grout is dirty, it can make any space in the office look dirty. It’s amazing how clean grout lines can change the appearance of an entire room. You want your workers to enjoy the space they are in, so they work harder, and you want your clients to think highly of you as you welcome them in your tidy, clean space. Dirty and stained grout can ruin the whole aesthetic and feel of your office.

You may have beautiful, clean tile, but if your grout seems impossible to clean, you need to invest in a grout cleaner and sealer. A grout cleaner can lift tough stains, while the grout sealer will protect the grout from future stains.

You want your office to look clean, professional and inviting, and clean grout can help with that! Dirty grout is unappealing, disgusting, and unprofessional!

Grout is porous, so it absorbs everything and harbors germs. It can even start to stink up your office if it is not cleaned properly! If your janitorial team is having a hard time cleaning the grout, purchase Grout Shield grout cleaning and grout sealing products for them. These products are quick and easy to use, so your cleaning staff can stay on schedule.

Watch this video below to learn more about how our Grout Shield products work:

Our grout sealer not only guarantees that you will have beautifully, consistent colored grout but it will resist stains from food, drinks and dirt. Our grout cleaning and grout color sealing process restores your dirty grout lines to a beautiful “like new” appearance. They can protect new and old installations alike. In the long run this process saves you time, money and effort of scrubbing your tile grout on your hands and knees.

Make your office more appealing and cleaner with Grout Shield! Don’t neglect your office’s grout lines!

Click the links to purchase our grout cleaning and grout sealing, products.  For more information on Grout Shield’s grout products or to purchase Grout Shield products, click our grout products page, or call toll free at 1-800-631-0716.




The post Keep Your Office Building Brand New with Grout Shield appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.